The depiction of a world, captured in projections, objects and photographs, the individual pieces connected to create a fictive collection – “Weißer Zwerg” is the title that Felix Burger (*1982, Munich) has given his absurd universe. It is the constant center of a fragmented narrative whose pieces co-exist on equal footing. The mise-en-scène of speech meets with a life-infused chair object that triggers unease, while the artifacts that appear to be captured in photographs stem from an alternative reality.
Burger develops his parallel work in the security of his studio whose freedoms and limitation he repeats in the exhibition space. Self-portraits in a white dress, with the mimics and gestures of someone mentally impaired or with a mask and prosthetic leg as a dwarf – this creates a seemingly intimate proximity when viewing it. At the same time, his alter ego remains aloof, distant and bound up in a fiction into which he offers no personal glimpses. The ensemble becomes a manifestation of a dream sequence, whose narrator, protagonist and viewer is Felix Burger all in one.
In what appears to be straight out of a nightmare, the
chair alien emerges with a breathing mask, huffing and puffing, reciting
ambiguous concepts with a mechanical voice – words that have been written with
white chalk on a black wall. Thematically they revolve around astronomy and
physics, each concept could, however, be extended by adding additional layers
of meaning. The mise-en-scène is complemented by analogue photographs depicting
what appears to be astronomical phenomena, which also challenge the viewer’s
imagination. Artifacts emerge from the waste material, the remainders in the
artist’s studio and these lose their materiality through photography – they are
galaxies burned with a hot-air fan.
The title “Weißer Zwerg“ references not only the
blurredness of the particles but also of the entire installation, also giving a
name to the artist figure Burger in his micro cosmos.
(Andrea Kopranovic, 2017)
The installation “Weißer Zwerg” was created especially for the 2016 exhibition “Close-Up – A New Generation of Film and Video Artists in the Netherlands“ at the Eye Museum Amsterdam. KOENIG2 is presenting a modified version of this installation.